
Android mobile devices with telephone/cellular service are pre-installed with a Phone app for making calls, which includes a dialer for dialing any phone number. You use an implicit Intent to launch the Phone app from your app. You have two choices:

What you should already know

What you'll learn

What you'll do

You will create two apps:

PhoneCallDial app to pass a phone number to the dialer

App to make a phone call to a user-entered number

In this task you will create an app that uses an implicit intent to launch the Phone app to dial a given phone number. To send that intent, your app needs to prepare a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that is prefixed by "tel:" (for example tel:14155551212).

1.1 Create the app and layout

  1. Create a project using the Empty Activity template and call it PhoneCallDial.
  2. Add an icon for the call button by following these steps:
  1. Open the activity_main.xml layout file.
android:text="Jane Doe" />
  1. Extract the strings and dimensions into resources:
  1. Add another TextView for the phone number:
    android:text="14155551212" />

You will use the android:id number_to_call to retrieve the phone number.

  1. After adding a hard-coded phone number string, extract it into the resource phone_number.
  2. Add an ImageButton for initiating the call:
    android:contentDescription="Make a call"

Use the vector asset you added previously (for example ic_call_black_24dp for a phone handset icon) for the android:src attribute. You will use the android:id @phone_icon to refer to the button for dialing the phone.
The dialNumber method referred to in the android:onClick attribute remains highlighted until you create this method in the MainActivity, which you do in the next step.

  1. After adding a hard-coded content description, extract it into the string resource make_a_call.
  2. Click dialNumber in the android:onClick attribute, click the red light bulb that appears, and then select Create dialNumber(View) in 'MainActivity'. Android Studio automatically creates the dialNumber() method in MainActivity as public, returning void, with a View parameter. This method is called when the user taps the ImageButton.
public void dialNumber(View view) {

The layout should look something like the figure below.

PhoneCallDial app to launch the Phone app with a hard-coded phone number for dialing

The following is the complete code for the XML layout in activity_main.xml, including comments:

<RelativeLayout ...
    <!-- TextView for a dummy contact name from a contacts database -->
        android:text="@string/contact" />

    <!-- TextView for a hard-coded phone number  -->
        android:text="@string/phone_number" />

    <!-- The dialNumber() method will be called by this button.  -->

1.2 Edit the onClick method in MainActivity

  1. In MainActivity, define a constant for the log tag.
public static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName();
  1. Inside the dialNumber()method created in the previous section, create a reference to the number_to_call TextView:
public void dialNumber(View view) {
   TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
  1. To create the phone number URI string phoneNumber, get the phone number from textView and use it with String.format to include the tel: prefix:
// Use format with "tel:" and phone number to create mPhoneNum.
String phoneNumber = String.format("tel: %s",
  1. Define an implicit intent (dialIntent) with the intent action ACTION_DIAL, and set the phoneNumber as data for the intent:
// Create the intent.
Intent dialIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);
// Set the data for the intent as the phone number.
  1. To verify that an app exists to receive the intent, call resolveActivity() on your Intent object with getPackageManager() to get a PackageManager instance for finding package information. The resolveActivity() method determines the best action to perform for a given intent. If the result is non-null, there is at least one app that can handle the intent and it's safe to call startActivity().
// If package resolves to an app, send intent.
if (dialIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
} else {
     Log.e(TAG, "Can't resolve app for ACTION_DIAL Intent.");

The full method should now look like the following:

public void dialNumber() {
    TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
    // Use format with "tel:" and phone number to create phoneNumber.
    String phoneNumber = String.format("tel: %s",
    // Create the intent.
    Intent dialIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);
    // Set the data for the intent as the phone number.
    // If package resolves to an app, send intent.
    if (dialIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
    } else {
        Log.e(TAG, "Can't resolve app for ACTION_DIAL Intent.");

1.3 Run the app

You can run the app on either an emulator or a device:

  1. Click or tap the phone icon. The dialer should appear with the phone number ready to use, as shown in the figure below:

The dialer in the Phone app

  1. The phone_number string holds a fixed number (1-415-555-1212). You can change the number in the Phone app's dialer before calling.
  2. Use the Back button to return to the app. You may need to tap or click it two or three times to navigate backwards from the Phone app's dialer and Favorites list.

Solution code

Android Studio project: PhoneCallDial

In this task you will copy the PhoneCallDial app from the previous task, refactor and rename it to PhoneCallingSample, and modify its layout and code to create an app that enables a user to enter a phone number and perform the phone call from within your app.

In the first step you will add the code to make the call, but the app will work only if telephony is enabled, and if the app's permission for Phone is set manually in Settings on the device or emulator.

In subsequent steps you will do away with setting this permission manually by requesting phone permission from the user if it is not already granted. You will also add a telephony check to display a message if telephony is not enabled and code to monitor the phone state.

2.1 Create the app and add permission

  1. Copy the PhoneCallDial project folder, rename the folder to PhoneCallingSample, and refactor the app to populate the new name throughout the app project.
  2. Add the following permission to the AndroidManifest.xml file after the first line (with the package definition) and before the section:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />

Your app can't make a phone call without the CALL_PHONE permission line in AndroidManifest.xml. This permission line enables a setting for the app in the Settings app that gives the user the choice of allowing or disallowing use of the phone. (In the next task you will add a way for the user to grant that permission from within the app.)

2.2 Create the app layout

  1. Open activity_main.xml to edit the layout.
  2. Remove the contact_name TextView, and replace the number_to_call TextView with the following EditText view:
    android:hint="Enter a phone number" />
  1. After adding a hard-coded string for the android:hint attribute, extract it into the string resource enter_phone, and note the following:
  1. Change the ImageButton as follows:
  1. Change the android:layout_below, android:layout_toRightOf, and android:layout_toEndOf attributes to refer to editText_main.
  2. Add the android:visibility attribute set to visible. You will control the visibility of this ImageButton from your code.
  3. Change the android:onClick method to callNumber. This will remain highlighted until you add that method to MainActivity.
  1. Add the following Button at the end of the layout, before the ending tag:
  1. After adding a hard-coded string "Retry" for the android:contentDescription attribute, extract it into the string resource retry, and then replace the hard-coded string in the android:text attribute to "@string/retry".
  2. Note the following:

Your app's layout should look like the following figure (the button_retry Button is invisible):

App layout with an EditText and ImageButton

2.3 Change the onClick method in MainActivity

  1. In MainActivity, refactor and rename the dialNumber() method to call it callNumber().
  2. Change the first statement, which referred to a TextView, to use an EditText view:
public void callNumber(View view) {
  EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
  1. Change the next statement to get the phone number from the EditText view (editText) to create the phone number URI string phoneNumber:
// Use format with "tel:" and phone number to create phoneNumber.
String phoneNumber = String.format("tel: %s",
  1. Before the intent, add code to show a log message and a toast message with the phone number:
// Log the concatenated phone number for dialing.
Log.d(TAG, "Phone Status: DIALING: " + phoneNumber);
              "Phone Status: DIALING: " + phoneNumber,
  1. Extract "Phone Status: DIALING: " to a string resource (dial_number). Replace the second use of the string in the Toast.makeText() statement to getString(R.string.dial_number).
  2. Refactor and rename the dialIntent implicit intent to callIntent, and replace ACTION_DIAL with ACTION_CALL. As a result, the statements should now look like this:
// Create the intent.
Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
// Set the data for the intent as the phone number.
// If package resolves to an app, send intent.
if (callIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
} else {
   Log.e(TAG, "Can't resolve app for ACTION_CALL Intent.");

The full method should now look like the following:

public void callNumber() {
    EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
    // Use format with "tel:" and phone number to create phoneNumber.
    String phoneNumber = String.format("tel: %s",
    // Log the concatenated phone number for dialing.
    Log.d(TAG, getString(R.string.dial_number) + phoneNumber);
                  getString(R.string.dial_number) + phoneNumber,
    // Create the intent.
    Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
    // Set the data for the intent as the phone number.
    // If package resolves to an app, send intent.
    if (callIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
    } else {
        Log.e(TAG, "Can't resolve app for ACTION_CALL Intent.");

2.4 Run the app

When you run the app, the app may crash with the following screen depending on whether the device or emulator has been previously set to allow the app to make phone calls:

The app crashes without phone permission

In some versions of Android, this permission is turned on by default. In others, this permission is turned off by default.

To set the app's permission on a device or emulator instance, perform the function that a user would perform: choose Settings > Apps > Phone Calling Sample > Permissions on the device or emulator, and turn on the Phone permission for the app. Since the user can turn on or off Phone permission at any time, you have to add a check in your app for this permission, and request it from the user if required. You will do this in the next task.

If you don't have cellular service on your device, or if telephony is not enabled, you can test the app using two emulator instances—one emulator instance calls the other one. Follow these steps:

  1. To launch an emulator directly from the AVD Manager, choose Tools > Android > AVD Manager.
  2. Double-click a predefined device. Note the number that appears in the emulator's window title on the far right, as shown in the figure below as #1 (5556). This is the port number of the emulator instance.

The port number of the emulator instance

  1. Open the Android Studio project for the app, if it isn't already open.
  2. Run the app, but choose another emulator—not the one that is already running. Android Studio launches the other emulator.
  3. In the app, enter the port number of the other emulator rather than a real phone number.
  4. Click the call button in the app. The emulator shows the phone call starting up, as shown in the figure below.

Making a call on the emulator

The other emulator instance should now be receiving the call, as shown in the figure below:

Receiving a call on the emulator

  1. Click Answer or Dismiss on the emulator receiving the call. If you click Answer, also click the red Hang-up button to end the call.

Click the red hang-up button to finish the call

If telephony features are not enabled for a device, your app should detect that and disable the phone features.

In addition, your app must always get permission to use anything that is not part of the app itself. In the previous task you added the following permission to the AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />

This statement enables a permission setting for this app in Settings. The user can allow or disallow this permission at any time in Settings. You can add code to request permission if the user has turned off phone permission.

3.1 Check if telephony services are enabled

  1. Open the Android Studio project for the PhoneCallingSample app, if it isn't already open.
  2. At the top of MainActivity below the class definition, define a variable for the TelephonyManager class object:
private TelephonyManager mTelephonyManager;
  1. Add the following statement to onCreate() method in MainActivity to use the string constant TELEPHONY_SERVICE with getSystemService() and assign it to mTelephonyManager. This gives you access to some of the telephony features of the device.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   // Create a telephony manager.
   mTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)
  1. Create a method in MainActivity to check if telephony is enabled:
private boolean isTelephonyEnabled() {
      if (mTelephonyManager != null) {
          if (mTelephonyManager.getSimState() ==
                                TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY) {
              return true;
      return false;
  1. Call the above method in the onCreate() method, right after assigning mTelephonyManager, in an if statement to take action if telephony is enabled. The action should be to log a message (to show that telephony is enabled), and include a comment about checking permission, which you will add in the next step. If telephony is not enabled, display a toast message, log a message, and disable the call button:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  mTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)
  if (isTelephonyEnabled()) {
       Log.d(TAG, "Telephony is enabled");
       // ToDo: Check for phone permission.
       // ToDo: Register the PhoneStateListener.
  } else {
                    "TELEPHONY NOT ENABLED! ",
       // Disable the call button
  1. Extract the hard-coded strings in the above code to string resources:
  1. Create the disableCallButton() method in MainActivity, and code to:
private void disableCallButton() {
            "Phone calling disabled", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
  ImageButton callButton = (ImageButton) findViewById(;
  if (isTelephonyEnabled()) {
      Button retryButton = (Button) findViewById(;
  1. Extract a string resource (phone_disabled) for the hard-coded string "Phone calling disabled" in the toast statement.
  2. Create an enableCallButton() method in MainActivity that finds and then sets the call button to be visible:
private void enableCallButton() {
  ImageButton callButton = (ImageButton) findViewById(;
  1. Create the retryApp() method in MainActivity that will be called when the user clicks the visible Retry button. Add code to:
public void retryApp(View view) {
   Intent intent = getPackageManager()
  1. Add the android:onClick attribute to the Retry button to call retryApp:

3.2 Request permission for phone calling

  1. At the top of MainActivity below the class definition, define a global constant for the call-phone permission request code, and set it to 1:
private static final int MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CALL_PHONE = 1;

Why the integer 1? Each permission request needs three parameters: the context, a string array of permissions, and an integer requestCode. The requestCode is a code attached to the request, and can be any integer that suits your use case. When a result returns back to the activity, it contains this code and uses it to differentiate multiple permission results from each other.

  1. In MainActivity, create a private method called checkForPhonePermission to check for CALL_PHONE permission, which returns void. You put this code in a separate method because you will use it more than once:
private void checkForPhonePermission() {
  if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
                    Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE) !=
                    PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                    new String[]{Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE},
  } else {
      // Permission already granted. Enable the call button.
  1. Use checkSelfPermission() to determine whether your app has been granted a particular permission by the user. If permission has not been granted by the user, use the requestPermissions() method to display a standard dialog for the user to grant permission.
  2. When your app calls requestPermissions(), the system shows a standard dialog to the user, as shown in the figure below.
  1. Extract the hard-coded string "PERMISSION NOT GRANTED!" in the above code to the string resource permission_not_granted.
  2. In the onCreate() method after checking to see if telephony is enabled, add a call to checkForPhonePermission():
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (isTelephonyEnabled()) {
    // Check for phone permission.
    // ToDo: Register the PhoneStateListener.
  1. When the user responds to the request permission dialog, the system invokes your app's onRequestPermissionsResult() method, passing it the user response. Override that method to find out whether the permission was granted:
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode,
                String permissions[], int[] grantResults) {
   // Check if permission is granted or not for the request.
  1. For your implementation of onRequestPermissionsResult(), use a switch statement with each case based on the value of requestCode. Use one case to check if the permission is the one you defined as MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CALL_PHONE:
// Check if permission is granted or not for the request.
switch (requestCode) {
        if (permissions[0].equalsIgnoreCase
                    && grantResults[0] ==
                    PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // Permission was granted.
        } else {
            // Permission denied.
            Log.d(TAG, "Failure to obtain permission!");
                        "Failure to obtain permission!",
            // Disable the call button
  1. Extract the hard-coded string "Failure to obtain permission!" in the above code to the string resource failure_permission, and note the following:

3.3 Run the app and test permission

  1. Run the app once. After running the app, turn off the Phone permission for the app on your device or emulator so that you can test the permission-request function:
  1. Run the app again. You should see the request dialog in the figure in the previous section.

Since the user might turn off Phone permission while the app is still running, add the same permission check method to the callNumber() method—after the intent resolves to a package, as shown below—to check for permission right before making a call:

// If package resolves to an app, check for phone permission,
// and send intent.
if (callIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
} else {
   Log.e(TAG, "Can't resolve app for ACTION_CALL Intent");
  1. Run the app. If the user changes the Phone permission for the app while the app is running, the request dialog appears again for the user to Allow or Deny the permission.

a) Choose Settings > Apps > Phone Calling Sample > Permissions on the device or emulator.

b) Turn off the Phone permission for the app.

You can monitor the phone state with PhoneStateListener, which monitors changes in specific telephony states. You can then show the user the state in a toast message, so that the user can see if the phone is idle or off the hook.

When the phone call finishes and the phone switches to the idle state, your app's activity resumes if the app is running on KitKat (version 19) or newer versions. However, if the app is running on a version of Android older than KitKat (version 19), the Phone app remains active. You can check the phone state and restart the activity if the state is idle.

To use PhoneStateListener, you need to register a listener object using the TelephonyManager class, which provides access to information about the telephony services on the device. Create a new class that extends PhoneStateListener to perform actions depending on the phone state. You can then register the listener object in the onCreate() method of the activity, using the TelephonyManager class.

4.1 Set the permission and logging tag

  1. Open the Android Studio project for the PhoneCallingSample app, if it isn't already open.
  2. Add the following READ_PHONE_STATE permission to the AndroidManifest.xml file after after the CALL_PHONE permission, and before the section:
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
  1. Monitoring the state of a phone call is permission-protected. This permission is in addition to the CALL_PHONE permission.

4.2 Create a class that extends PhoneStateListener

  1. To create a listener object and listen to the phone state, create a private inner class called MyPhoneCallListener in MainActivity that extends PhoneStateListener.
private class MyPhoneCallListener extends PhoneStateListener {
  1. Within this class, implement the onCallStateChanged() method of PhoneStateListener to take actions based on the phone state. The code below uses a switch statement with constants of the TelephonyManager class to determine which of three states the phone is in: CALL_STATE_RINGING, CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK, and CALL_STATE_IDLE:
public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {
  switch (state) {
      case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING:
          // Incoming call is ringing (not used for outgoing call).
      case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK:
          // Phone call is active -- off the hook.
      case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE:
          // Phone is idle before and after phone call.
          // Must be an error. Raise an exception or just log it.
  1. Just above the switch (state) line, create a String called message to use in a toast as a prefix for the phone state:
// Define a string for the message to use in a toast.
String message = "Phone Status: ";
switch (state) { ...
  1. Extract the string "Phone Status: " to the string resource phone_status.
  2. For the CALL_STATE_RINGING state, assemble a message for logging and displaying a toast with the incoming phone number:
switch (state) {
  case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING:
       // Incoming call is ringing (not used for outgoing call).
       message = message + "RINGING, number: " + incomingNumber;
       Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, message,
       Log.i(TAG, message);
  1. Extract "RINGING, number: " to the string resource ringing.
  2. Add a boolean returningFromOffHook, set to false, at the top of the MyPhoneCallListener declaration, in order to use it with the the CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK state:
private class MyPhoneCallListener extends PhoneStateListener {
   private boolean returningFromOffHook = false;

Tip: An app running on Android versions prior to KitKat (version 19) doesn't resume when the phone state returns to CALL_STATE_IDLE from CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK at the end of a call. The boolean returningFromOffHook is used as a flag, and set to true when the state is CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK, so that when the state is back to CALL_STATE_IDLE, the flag designates an end-of-call in order to restart the app's activity.

  1. For the CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK state, assemble a message for logging and displaying a toast, and set the returningFromOffHook boolean to true.
switch (state) {
     case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK:
               // Phone call is active -- off the hook.
               message = message + "OFFHOOK";
               Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, message,
               Log.i(TAG, message);
               returningFromOffHook = true;
  1. Extract "OFFHOOK" to the string resource offhook.
  2. For the CALL_STATE_IDLE state, log and display a toast, and check if returningFromOffHook is true; if so, restart the activity if the version of Android is earlier than KitKat.
switch (state) {
        case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE:
           // Phone is idle before and after phone call.
           // If running on version older than 19 (KitKat),
           // restart activity when phone call ends.
           message = message + "IDLE";
           Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, message,
           Log.i(TAG, message);
           if (returningFromOffHook) {
               // No need to do anything if >= version KitKat.
               if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
                   Log.i(TAG, "Restarting app");
                   // Restart the app.
                   Intent intent = getPackageManager()

If the app is running on KitKat (version 19) or newer versions, there is no need to restart the activity after the phone call ends. But if the app is running on a version of Android older than KitKat (version 19), the code must restart the current activity so that the user can return to the app after the call ends.
Tip: The code also sets FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP so that instead of launching a new instance of the current activity, any other activities on top of the current activity are closed and an intent is delivered to the (now on top) current activity. This flag helps you manage a stack of activities in an app.

  1. Extract "IDLE" to the string resource idle, and extract "Restarting app" to the string resource restarting_app.

The code below shows the entire onCallStateChanged() method:

public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {
    // Define a string for the message to use in a toast.
    String message = getString(R.string.phone_status);
    switch (state) {
        case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING:
            // Incoming call is ringing (not used for outgoing call).
            message = message +
                            getString(R.string.ringing) + incomingNumber;
            Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, message,
            Log.i(TAG, message);
        case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK:
            // Phone call is active -- off the hook.
            message = message + getString(R.string.offhook);
            Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, message,
            Log.i(TAG, message);
            returningFromOffHook = true;
        case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE:
            // Phone is idle before and after phone call.
            // If running on version older than 19 (KitKat),
            // restart activity when phone call ends.
            message = message + getString(R.string.idle);
            Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, message,
            Log.i(TAG, message);
            if (returningFromOffHook) {
                // No need to do anything if >= version KitKat.
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
                    Log.i(TAG, getString(R.string.restarting_app));
                    // Restart the app.
                    Intent intent = getPackageManager()
            message = message + "Phone off";
            Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, message,
            Log.i(TAG, message);

4.3 Register the PhoneStateListener

  1. At the top of MainActivity below the class definition, define a variable for the PhoneStateListener:
private MyPhoneCallListener mListener;
  1. In the onCreate() method, add the following code after checking for telephony and permission:
if (isTelephonyEnabled()) {
   // Register the PhoneStateListener to monitor phone activity.
   mListener = new MyPhoneCallListener();
} else { ...
  1. You must also unregister the listener in the activity's onDestroy() method. Override the onDestroy() method by adding the following code:
protected void onDestroy() {
   if (isTelephonyEnabled()) {

4.4 Run the app

  1. Run the app. If the user changes the Phone permission for the app while the app is running, the request dialog appears again for the user to Allow or Deny the permission. Click Allow to test the app's ability to make a phone call.
  2. After entering a phone number and clicking the call button, the emulator or device shows the phone call starting up, as shown in the figure below. A toast message appears showing the phone number (left side of figure), and the toast message changes to show a new status of "OFFHOOK" (right side of figure) after the call has started.

Starting a call (left) and showing the phone status (right)

  1. The other emulator instance or device should now be receiving the call, as shown in the figure below. Click Answer or Dismiss on the device or emulator receiving the call.

Receiving a call on the emulator

  1. If you click Answer, be sure to also click the red Hang-up button to finish the call, as shown in the figure below.

Click the red hang-up button to finish the call

After you hang up, the app should reappear with a toast message showing that the phone is now in the idle state, as shown in the figure below.

After hanging up the phone state is

Solution code

Android Studio project: PhoneCallingSample

Note: All coding challenges are optional and are not prerequisites for later lessons.


  1. Use the normalizeNumber() method in the PhoneNumberUtils class to remove characters other than digits from the phone number after the user has entered it. This method was added to API level 21. If you need your app to run on older versions, include a check for the version that uses the normalizeNumber() method only if the version is older than Lollipop. Your app already uses a log statement to show the phone number as dialed, so if the user enters "1-415-555-1212" the log message should show that the number was normalized:
D/MainActivity: Phone Status: DIALING: tel: 14155551212
  1. Add an invisible TextView to the PhoneCallingSample app. This TextView should appear below the invisible Retry button, but only when the phone is ringing (indicating an incoming call), and it should show the phone number of the caller.

If you have both emulators open as described previously, install the app on both emulators. You can then test an incoming call by using the app on one emulator to call the other emulator.

Tip: You can also emulate receiving a call by clicking the ... (More) icon at the bottom of the emulator's toolbar on the right side. Click Phone in the left column to see the extended phone controls, and click Call Device to call the emulator.

Android Studio project: PhoneCallingSampleChallenge

Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />

Android developer documentation:

Stack Overflow:
