
Many Android-powered devices include built-in sensors that measure motion, orientation, and environmental conditions such as ambient light or temperature. These sensors can provide data to your app with high precision and accuracy. Sensors can be used to monitor three-dimensional device movement or positioning, or to monitor changes in the environment near a device, such as changes to temperature or humidity. For example, a game might track readings from a device's accelerometer sensor to infer complex user gestures and motions, such as tilt, shake, or rotation.

In this codelab you learn about the Android sensor framework, which is used to find the available sensors on a device and retrieve data from those sensors.

The device camera, fingerprint sensor, microphone, and GPS (location) sensor all have their own APIs and are not considered part of the Android sensor framework.

What you should already know

You should be familiar with:

What you'll learn

What you'll do

You will build two apps in this codelab. The first app lists the available sensors on the device or emulator. The list of sensors is scrollable, if it is too big to fit the screen.


The second app, modified from the first, gets data from the ambient light and proximity sensors, and displays that data. Light and proximity sensors are some of the most common Android device sensors.


In this task, you build a simple app that queries the sensor manager for the list of sensors available on the device.

1.1 Build the app

  1. Create a new Android project. Call it SensorSurvey and use the Empty activity template.
  2. Open res/layout/activity_main.xml.
  3. Add a margin of 16 dp to the constraint layout.
  1. Delete the existing TextView.
  2. Add a ScrollView element inside the constraint layout. Give it these attributes:















The ScrollView is here to allow the list of sensors to scroll if it is longer than the screen.

  1. Add a TextView element inside the ScrollView and give it these attributes:











This TextView holds the list of sensors. The placeholder text is replaced at runtime by the actual sensor list. The layout for your app should look like this screenshot:


  1. Open MainActivity and add a variable at the top of the class to hold an instance of SensorManager:
private SensorManager mSensorManager;

The sensor manager is a system service that lets you access the device sensors.

  1. In the onCreate() method, below the setContentView() method, get an instance of the sensor manager from system services, and assign it to the mSensorManager variable:
mSensorManager =
   (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
  1. Get the list of all sensors from the sensor manager. Store the list in a List object whose values are of type Sensor:
List<Sensor> sensorList  =

The Sensor class represents an individual sensor and defines constants for the available sensor types. The Sensor.TYPE_ALL constant indicates all the available sensors.

  1. Iterate over the list of sensors. For each sensor, get that sensor's official name with the getName() method, and append that name to the sensorText string. Each line of the sensor list is separated by the value of the line.separator property, typically a newline character:
StringBuilder sensorText = new StringBuilder();

for (Sensor currentSensor : sensorList ) {
  1. Get a reference to the TextView for the sensor list, and update the text of that view with the string containing the list of sensors:
TextView sensorTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;

1.2 Run the app on a device and in the emulator

Different Android devices have different sensors available, which means the SensorSurvey app shows different results for each device. In addition, the Android emulator includes a small set of simulated sensors.

  1. Run the app on a physical device. The output of the app looks something like this screenshot:


In this list, lines that begin with a letter/number code represent physical hardware in the device. The letters and numbers indicate sensor manufacturers and model numbers. In most devices the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer are physical sensors.

Lines without letter/number codes are virtual or composite sensors, that is, sensors that are simulated in software. These sensors use the data from one or more physical sensors. So, for example, the gravity sensor may use data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer to provide the direction and magnitude of gravity in the device's coordinate system.

  1. Run the app in an emulator. The output of the app looks something like this screenshot:


Because the Android emulator is a simulated device, all the available sensors are virtual sensors. "Goldfish" is the name of the emulator's Linux kernel.

  1. Click the More button (three horizontal dots) on the emulator's control panel. The Extended Controls window appears.
  2. Click Virtual Sensors.


This window shows the settings and current values for the emulator's virtual sensors. Drag the image of the device to simulate motion and acceleration with the accelerometer. Dragging the device image may also rotate the main emulator window.

  1. Click the Additional Sensors tab.


This tab shows the other available virtual sensors for the emulator, including the light, temperature, and proximity sensors. You use more of these sensors in the next task.

The Android sensor framework provides the ability for your app to register for and react to changes in sensor data. In this task you modify your existing app to listen to and report values from the proximity and light sensors.

2.1 Modify the layout

  1. Open res/layout/activity_main.xml.
  2. Delete the ScrollView and TextView elements from the previous app.
  3. Add a TextView and give it the attributes in the following table. Extract the string into a resource called "label_light". This text view will print the current value from the light sensor.










"Light Sensor: %1$.2f"





The "%1$.2f" part of the text string is a placeholder code. This code will be replaced in the Java code for your app with the placeholder filled in with an actual numeric value. In this case the placeholder code has three parts:

The part of the string that is not made up of placeholders ("Light Sensor: ") is passed through to the new string. You can find out more about placeholders and formatting codes in the Formatter documentation.

  1. Copy and paste the TextView element. Change the attributes in the following table. Extract the string into a resource called "label_proximity". This text view will print values from the proximity sensor.






"Proximity Sensor: %1$.2f"



The layout for your app should look like this screenshot:


  1. Open res/values/strings.xml and add this line:
<string name="error_no_sensor">No sensor</string>

You'll use this message in the next task when you test if a sensor is available.

2.2 Get the sensors

In this task, you modify the activity's onCreate() method to gain access to the light and proximity sensors.

  1. Open MainActivity and add private member variables at the top of the class to hold Sensor objects for the light and proximity sensors. Also add private member variables to hold the TextView objects from the layout:
// Individual light and proximity sensors.
private Sensor mSensorProximity;
private Sensor mSensorLight;

// TextViews to display current sensor values  
private TextView mTextSensorLight;
private TextView mTextSensorProximity;
  1. In the onCreate() method, delete all the existing code after the line to get the sensor manager.
  2. Add code to onCreate() to get the two TextView views and assign them to their respective variables:
mTextSensorLight = (TextView) findViewById(;
mTextSensorProximity = (TextView) findViewById(;
  1. Get instances of the default light and proximity sensors. These will be instances of the Sensor class. Assign them to their respective variables:
mSensorProximity =
mSensorLight = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT);

The getDefaultSensor() method is used to query the sensor manager for sensors of a given type. The sensor types are defined by the Sensor class. If there is no sensor available for the given type, the getDefaultSensor() method returns null.

  1. Get the error string you defined earlier from the strings.xml resource:
String sensor_error = getResources().getString(R.string.error_no_sensor);
  1. Test that there is an available light sensor. If the sensor is not available (that is, if getDefaultSensor() returns null), set the display text for the light sensor's TextView to the error string.
if (mSensorLight == null) {

Different devices have different sensors, so it is important that your app check that a sensor exists before using the sensor. If a sensor is not available, your app should turn off features that use that sensor and provide helpful information to the user. If your app's functionality relies on a sensor that is not available, your app should provide a message and gracefully quit. Do not assume that any device will have any given sensor.

  1. Test for the existence of the proximity sensor.
if (mSensorProximity == null) {

2.3 Listen for new sensor data

When sensor data changes, the Android sensor framework generates an event (a SensorEvent) for that new data. Your app can register listeners for these events, then handle the new sensor data in an onSensorChanged() callback. All of these tasks are part of the SensorEventListener interface.

In this task, you register listeners for changes to the light and proximity sensors. You process new data from those sensors and display that data in the app layout.

  1. At the top of the class, modify the class signature to implement the SensorEventListener interface.
public class MainActivity
   extends AppCompatActivity implements SensorEventListener {
  1. Click the red light bulb icon, select "implement methods," and select all methods.

The SensorEventListener interface includes two callback methods that enable your app to handle sensor events:

  1. Override the onStart() activity lifecycle method to register your sensor listeners. Listening to incoming sensor data uses device power and consumes battery life. Don't register your listeners in onCreate(), as that would cause the sensors to be on and sending data (using device power) even when your app was not in the foreground. Use the onStart() and onStop() methods to register and unregister your sensor listeners.
protected void onStart() {

   if (mSensorProximity != null) {
      mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensorProximity,
   if (mSensorLight != null) {
      mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensorLight,

Each sensor that your app uses needs its own listener, and you should make sure that those sensors exist before you register a listener for them. Use the registerListener() method from the SensorManager to register a listener. This method takes three arguments:

  1. Implement the onStop() lifecycle method to unregister your sensor listeners when the app pauses:
protected void onStop() {

A single call to the SensorManager. unregisterListener() method unregisters all the registered listeners. Unregistering the sensor listeners in the onStop() method prevents the device from using power when the app is not visible.

  1. In the onSensorChanged() method, get the sensor type.
int sensorType = event.sensor.getType();

The onSensorChanged() method is called with a SensorEvent object. The SensorEvent object includes important properties of the event, such as which sensor is reporting new data, and the new data values. Use the sensor property of the SensorEvent to get a Sensor object, and then use getType() to get the type of that sensor. Sensor types are defined as constants in the Sensor class, for example, Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT.

  1. Also in onSensorChanged(), get the sensor value.
float currentValue = event.values[0];

The sensor event stores the new data from the sensor in the values array. Depending on the sensor type, this array may contain a single piece of data or a multidimensional array full of data. For example, the accelerometer reports data for the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis for every change in the values[0], values[1], and values[2] positions. Both the light and proximity sensors only report one value, in values[0].

  1. Add a switch statement for the sensorType variable. Add a case for Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT to indicate that the event was triggered by the light sensor.
switch (sensorType) {
   // Event came from the light sensor.
   case Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT:
      // Handle light sensor
       // do nothing
  1. Inside the light sensor case, get the template string from the resources, and update the value in the light sensor's TextView.
   R.string.label_light, currentValue));

When you defined this TextView in the layout, the original string resource included a placeholder code, like this:

Light Sensor: %1$.2f

When you call getString() to get the string from the resources, you include values to substitute into the string where the placeholder codes are. The part of the string that is not made up of placeholders ("Light Sensor: ") is passed through to the new string.

  1. Add a second case for the proximity sensor ( Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY).
       R.string.label_proximity, currentValue));

2.4 Run the app on a device and in the emulator

  1. Run the app on a physical device. The output of the app looks something like this screenshot:


  1. Move the device towards a light source, or shine a flashlight on it. Move the device away from the light or cover the device with your hand. Note how the light sensor reports changes in the light level.

TIP: The light sensor is often placed on the top right of the device's screen.

The light sensor's value is generally measured in lux, a standard unit of illumination. However, the lux value that a sensor reports may differ across different devices, and the maximum may vary as well. If your app requires a specific range of values for the light sensor, you must translate the raw sensor data into something your app can use.

  1. Move your hand toward the device, and then move it away again. Note how the proximity sensor reports values indicating "near" and "far." Depending on how the proximity sensor is implemented, you may get a range of values, or you may get just two values (for example, 0 and 5) to represent near and far.

TIP: The proximity sensor is often a virtual sensor that gets its data from the light sensor. For that reason, covering the light sensor may produce changes to the proximity value.

As with the light sensor, the sensor data for the proximity sensor can vary from device to device. Proximity values may be a range between a minimum and a maximum. More often there are only two proximity values, one to indicate "near," and one to indicate "far." All these values may vary across devices.

  1. Run the app in an emulator, and click the More button (three horizontal dots) on the emulator's control panel to bring up the Extended controls window.
  2. Click Virtual sensors, and then click the Additional sensors tab.


The sliders in this window enable you to simulate changes to sensor data that would normally come from the hardware sensors. Changes in this window generate sensor events in the emulator that your app can respond to.

  1. Move the sliders for the light and proximity sensors and observe that the values in the app change as well.


Modify the SensorListeners app such that:

TIP: You can use getWindow().getDecorView().setBackgroundColor() to set the app's background color.

Android developer documentation:

Android API reference: